| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
criticality concerns, the development of failure modes and the potential effects of the
accident, and the consequences of the accident. This safety analysis report, and the
associated technical safety requirements, should document both the entire nuclear
criticality safety program and the analysis process to assure the reviewer that nuclear
criticality safety concerns are being properly addressed at the facility.
Criticality accidents, sometimes called criticality excursions, can either be short-duration pulse-type
excursions or continuous excursions. In the history of plutonium handling and processing, there
have been five criticality accidents involving plutonium materials. Three of the accidents occurred
during research activities and the other two accidents during plutonium-processing operations. The
two processing accidents are reviewed in this section.
7.3.1 Types of Criticality Accidents
In a pulse-type criticality accident, there is an initial pulse of typically 1015-1017 fissions over
a short time-period (less than 1 sec), sometimes following by additional lower-intensity
pulses. In a fissionable material solution, the pulse or spike is terminated by the heating and
consequent thermal expansion of the solution and by bubble formation that serves to
reconfigure the fissile mass into a noncritical configuration (Paxton, 1966). If the initial
pulse results in a loss of solution from the container (e.g., by splashing) or redistribution of
material, the criticality event may conclude without further pulses. However, if there is no
loss of material as the solution cools, it may form a criticality mass once again and pulse
with slightly lower fission yield (Paxton, 1966).
considerable distances from the accident site (on the order of tens of meters). There can also
be high beta-gamma residual radiation levels from fission products after the excursion is
concluded. The heat generated during the excursion can melt parts of the system that held
the fissionable material (Moe, 1988).
Moe (1988) reviewed estimated prompt radiation doses from excursions in a moderated
system and a metallic system, as well as dose rates from residual contamination left by a
criticality excursion. Assuming a burst of 1018 fissions in an unshielded, water-moderated
system, the total absorbed dose is estimated to be >600 rad up to 6 m and >100 rad up to
about 15 m. The gamma/neutron ratio of the total absorbed dose was 2.8. The
gamma/neutron absorbed dose ratio was 0.1. In general, for a moderated system, the gamma
dose would be expected to be higher than the neutron dose and, for a metal system, the
neutron dose would be expected to be higher than the gamma dose.
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