| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities Biological Indicators
Earlier in this section, a quick-sort method was described using neutron activation of
sodium in the blood as an indicator of worker exposure. More sophisticated
laboratory analysis of blood samples can be performed to obtain a more accurate
estimate of worker dose, as discussed in Delafield (1988) and Hankins (1979). The
absorbed dose for workers involved in a criticality accident (Petersen and Langham,
1966). The orientation of the subject can also be determined by taking samples of hair
from the front and back of the person. Hankins (1979) described a technique for
determining neutron dose to within 20-30% using a combination of blood and hair
activations. Their evaluation was independent of the worker's orientation, of shielding
provided by wall and equipment, and of neutron leakage spectra.
The health physics staff should have a basic understanding of program structure, engineering
criteria, and administrative controls as related to nuclear criticality safety as reviewed in earlier
sections of this chapter. Additionally, the health physicist's responsibilities include emergency
instrumentation and emergency response actions.
7.5.1 Routine Operations
During routine operations the health physics staff's responsibilities related to nuclear
criticality safety include calibrating, repairing, and maintaining the neutron criticality alarm
detectors and nuclear accident dosimeters, and maintaining appropriate records. The health
physics staff should be knowledgeable of criticality alarm systems, including alarm design
parameters, types of detectors, detector area coverage, alarm set-points, and basic control
design. The staff should also be familiar with plans for emergency response.
The health physics staff should maintain an adequate monitoring capability for a nuclear
criticality accident. In addition to the criticality alarm systems and the fixed nuclear
accident dosimeters discussed above, remotely operated high-range gamma instruments,
personal alarming dosimeters for engineering response/rescue teams, neutron-monitoring
instrumentation (in case of a sustained low-power critical reaction), and an air-sampling
capability for fission gases should be maintained.
Other support activities may include assisting the nuclear criticality safety engineer or
operations staff in performing radiation surveys to identify residual fissionable materials
remaining in process system or ventilation ducts.
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