| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
schedule, and cost objectives, (2) meeting all applicable environmental, health and safety, and
quality assurance requirements, and (3) avoiding a commitment of major resources before project
definition. Good program management techniques should consider D&D costs as part of the life-
cycle cost and select a tentative D&D method during the facility design phase.
Section V of DOE Order 5400.5, Ch.2, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment (DOE,
1993c), provides radiological protection requirements and guidelines for cleanup of residual
radioactive material and management of the resulting wastes and residues and release of property.
This DOE Order establishes a basic public dose limit for exposure to residual radioactive material
(in addition to naturally occurring "background" exposures) of a 100-mrem (1-mSv) effective dose
equivalent in a year. A more detailed discussion is presented below in Section 10.1.3.
DOE O 420.1A, Facility Safety (DOE, 2002a), establishes facility safety requirements related to:
nuclear safety design, criticality safety, fire protection and natural phenomena hazards mitigation.
DOE O 231.1 Environment, Safety and Health Reporting (DOE, 1996e), ensures collection and
reporting of information on environment, safety and health that is required by law or regulation to
be collected, or that is essential for evaluating DOE operations and identifying opportunities for
improvement needed for planning purposes within the DOE.
10.1.1 Other Regulations
The D&D of most plutonium-contaminated facilities will involve cleanup of a combination
of radioactive wastes, hazardous wastes, and mixed wastes. Some other Federal regulations
not already discussed that are applicable to the cleanup and disposal of these wastes are
summarized in this section along with the DOE guidance on implementation This is not an
all inclusive list. It is the facility responsibility to identify applicable requirements and
ensure compliance.
-- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (USC, 1970) and 40 CFR 1500 (CEQ, 1992)
- This act established a national policy to ensure that environmental factors
are considered in any Federal agency's planning and decisionmaking. DOE O 451.1B,
National Environmental Policy Act Compliance Program (DOE, 2001d), defines DOE
responsibilities and procedures to implement NEPA. The decommissioning of a DOE
plutonium facility will require a determination of whether or not the action is a "major or
significant government action adversely affecting the environment" in accordance with
NEPA. If it qualifies as such an action, an environmental assessment (EA) or
environmental impact statement (EIS) will be required. An EA or EIS will need to
discuss the amount of material that will remain onsite and its effect, in addition to
addressing the alternatives. The alternatives will include retaining radioactive material
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