| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
annual dose has not yet been determined, but values of 50, 10, 1, and 0.1 mrem/y are being
considered by the EPA as the "de facto de minimis" levels for the disposal of contaminated
Section 4 of DOE Order 5400.5, Ch. 2, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment
(DOE, 1993c), provides the following DOE guidelines for cleanup of residual radioactive
material, management of the resulting wastes, and release of property. The basic public dose
limits for exposure to residual radioactive material in addition to natural background
exposures is a 100-mrem (1-mSv) effective dose equivalent in a year. The effective dose
equivalent in a year is the sum of the effective dose equivalent from exposures to radiation
sources external to the body during the year plus the cumulative effective dose equivalent
(CEDE) from radionuclides taken into the body during the year.
DOE Order 5400.5, Ch. 2 (DOE, 1993c) also provides the following guidelines for
(1) residual concentrations of radionuclides in soil, (2) concentrations of airborne radon
decay products, (3) external gamma radiation, (4) surface contamination, and
(5) radionuclide concentrations in air or water:
-- Residual radionuclides in soil - Generic guidelines for thorium and radium (226Ra, 228Ra,
Th, and 232Th) are 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface and
15 pCi/g averaged over 15-cm-thick layers of soil more than 15 cm below the surface.
For other radionuclides in soil (e.g., plutonium), specific guidelines should be derived
from the basic dose limit by means of an environmental pathway analysis using specific
property data where available. Residual concentrations of radioactive material in soil are
defined as those in excess of background concentrations averaged over an area of 100 m2.
-- Airborne radon decay products - Applicable generic guidelines are found in 40 CFR
192 (EPA, 1992b). In any occupied or habitable building, the objective of remedial
action should be, and a reasonable effort should be made to achieve, an annual average
(or equivalent) radon decay product concentration (including background) not to exceed
0.02 WL. Remedial actions by DOE are not required to comply with this guideline when
there is reasonable assurance that residual radioactive material is not the source of the
radon concentration.
-- External gamma radiation - The average level of gamma radiation inside a building or
habitable structure on a site to be released without restrictions should not exceed the
background level by more than 20 R/h.
-- Surface contamination - The DOE guidelines on transuranic surface contamination
levels are given in a DOE memorandum dated November 17, 1995, "Application of
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