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Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
should be based on a documented safety evaluation that compares the risks versus the
benefits. Filtration should be provided to limit the concentrations of radioactive material in
recirculated air to ALARA levels. The design should allow for in-place testing of HEPA
filters or filter banks.
Continuous sampling and monitoring of recirculated air for airborne radioactive material
should be provided downstream of fans and filters. Monitoring should be provided for the
differential pressure across the filter stages and for airborne radioactive material behind the
first HEPA filter or filter stage. The means for automatic or manual diversion of airflow to a
once-through system or stage should be provided. The monitoring system alarm should
result in the automatic diversion of airflow to a once-through system or a parallel set of
filters if an automatic system is used.
The secondary confinement barrier encloses the room or compartment in which the primary
confinement barrier is located, and provides contamination protection for plant personnel
who are outside of the secondary confinement area. High-efficiency particulate air filtration
should be required for air supplied to and exhausted from a secondary confinement barrier.
Secondary confinement rooms, compartments, or cells should be separated from each other
by fire doors or stops. Both the barrier walls and the fire doors should be constructed of
materials that are capable of withstanding a design-basis accident. The secondary
confinement should be designed for pressures that are consistent with the criteria for the
ventilation system. The secondary confinement area should be at a positive air pressure with
respect to the primary confinement areas and at negative pressure with respect to the outside
environment and adjacent building areas that are not primary or secondary barriers.
The building is the structure that encloses both the primary and secondary confinement
barriers, as well as the offices, change rooms, and other support areas that are not expected
to become contaminated. It is the final barrier between the potential contamination and the
outside environment. The building structure or any portion thereof may serve as the
secondary confinement barrier if the requirements for both structure and confinement are
met. The portion of the structure that houses activities involving radioactive material in a
dispersible form should be able to withstand design basis accidents, site-related natural
phenomena, and missiles without a breach of integrity that would result in releases of
radioactive material from the structure in excess of DOE guidelines.
C.2.3 Safety Basis Analysis
A contractor who is responsible for the design, construction, or operation of DOE nuclear
facilities, as designated in writing by the Program Secretarial Officer, is required to perform
a safety analysis. The safety analysis shall evaluate the adequacy of the safety basis for each
facility. Safety basis is defined as the combination of information relating to the control of
hazards at a nuclear facility (including design, engineering analyses, and administrative
controls) upon which DOE depends for its conclusion that activities at the facility can be
conducted safely. The level of safety analysis to be performed must be commensurate with
the magnitude of the hazards being addressed, the complexity of the facility and/or systems
being relied upon to maintain an acceptable level of risk, and the stage of the facility life
cycle. The safety analysis report (SAR) defines the safety basis, document the logic of its
derivation, demonstrate adherence to the safety basis, and justify its adequacy. Included in
this process is evaluation of the design features and their contribution and/or mitigation to

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