| DOE-STD-1063-2000
Scope: Carefully chosen Performance Indicators (PIs) can provide valuable
measures of the effectiveness of Facility Representative Programs. These PIs
will be used by DOE-HQ to evaluate DOE-wide program effectiveness. Other PIs
may be useful at a local level to determine the need for local program changes,
depending on circumstances that may be unique to a site. DOE-wide Facility
Representative PIs are relatively few in number, easy to measure and report,
applicable to all Facility Representative Programs, and resistant to
misinterpretation. Since effectiveness in providing contractor oversight may be
difficult to capture in measurable terms, some subjective measures are used.
General Points:
1. The attached Performance Indicators are for DOE-wide use. Field elements
may use additional, local PIs that suit their own needs.
2. PIs for DOE-wide use are divided into the following categories: Staffing,
Training and Qualification, Facility Representative Program Accomplishments,
and Fulfilling the Facility Representative Role.
3. PIs that measure contractor performance have been avoided as measures of
Facility Representative program effectiveness.
4. PIs should be reported by the Field Element Managers to program offices
quarterly, with a copy sent to the Facility Representative Program Manager,
Office of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DOE S-3.1). At the close of a given quarter, one month is
allocated to assemble PI reports, which are then due on the first working day
of the months of February, May, August, and November.
5. Performance Indicators, their methods of calculation, and goals (or targets)
are presented in the following tables.
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