| DOE-STD-1063-2000
Hazard. (10CFR830.3) Hazard means a source of danger (i.e., material,
energy source, or operation) with the potential to cause illness, injury, or
death to personnel or damage to a facility or to the environment (without
regard to the likelihood or credibility of accident scenarios or consequence
Hazard Categories. The consequences of unmitigated releases of
radioactive and/or hazardous material are evaluated as required by DOE O
5480.23 and classified by the following Hazard Categories:
Category 1 - The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant off-
site consequences.
Category 2 - The hazard analysis shows the potential for significant on-site
Category 3 - The hazard analysis shows the potential for only significant
localized consequences.
DOE-STD-1027-92, Change Notice 1 and DOE-EM-5502-94 contain
additional information on methods and criteria for determination of Hazard
Hazardous Materials. (DOE O 420.1) Any solid, liquid, or gaseous material
that is chemical, toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive, corrosive,
chemically reactive, or unstable upon prolonged storage in quantities that
could pose a threat to life, property, or the environment.
Interim Qualification. Specific requirements that must be met prior to a
Facility Representative being assigned to provide limited coverage in a
facility for which he or she is not fully qualified.
Line Organization. The unbroken chain of command that extends from
the Secretary through the Deputy Secretary (Chief Operating Officer), to
the Secretarial Officers who set program policy and plans and develop
assigned programs, to the Program and Field Element Managers who are
responsible for execution of these programs, and to the contractors who
conduct the programs. Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) are
integral parts of each program. Accordingly, responsibility for ES&H
functions resides with the line organizations.
Occurrence Report. A documented evaluation of an event or condition
that is prepared in sufficient detail to enable the reader to assess its
significance, consequences, or implications and to evaluate the actions
being proposed or employed to correct the condition or to avoid
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