| ![]() DOE-STD-1063-2000
Safety Analysis Report. That report, fully defined in 10CFR830, which
documents the adequacy of safety analysis to ensure that the facility can
be constructed, maintained, shut down, and decommissioned safely and in
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Secretarial Officer. (DOE M 411.1-1A) The Head of a first-tier
Headquarters organization responsible for one or more of the
Department's congressionally established missions. These offices include
Defense Programs; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;
Environmental Management; Nonproliferation and National Security; Fossil
Energy; Civilian Radioactive Waste Management; Science; Fissile Materials
Disposition; and Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology. The following
designations are also used to identify Secretarial Officers with specific
responsibilities in various areas: 1) Program Secretarial Officer (PSO) -
responsible for executing program management functions, and for
assisting and supporting field elements in safety and health,
administrative, management, and technical areas; 2) Cognizant Secretarial
Officer (CSO) - responsible for a bounded set of facilities or a laboratory
(e.g., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Y-12 Plant) within a multi-
program field office; and 3) Lead Program Secretarial Office (LPSO) - has
overall ownership responsibility for those field offices assigned to report
through his/her program office. (For additional information, see DOE
Manual 411.1-1A, DOE Safety Management Functions, Responsibilities,
and Authorities Manual (FRAM) and memorandum, T. J. Glauthier to
Departmental Elements, "Roles and Responsibilities Guiding Principles," 8-
Training Equivalency. The completion of training requirements by an
individual through the means of prior experience or training, which results
in comparable knowledge or capabilities, equivalent to that which would
be gained by complying with the specified requirements. Prior experience
and training is evaluated and documented to demonstrate equivalency to
the specified requirements.
Training Program. A planned, organized sequence of activities designed
to prepare persons to perform their jobs, to meet a specific position or
classification need, and to maintain or improve their performance on the
Walkthrough. A tour through a facility with a qualifying official for the
purpose of verifying a Facility Representative candidate's knowledge of
the facility.
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