| ![]() DOE-STD-1137-2000
Fire Protection Engineers shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
essential elements of a documented fire safety program.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Explain the importance of a comprehensive fire safety program.
List some of the policies, practices and procedures that are encompassed by a
fire protection program.
Fire Protection Engineers shall demonstrate at the working level the ability to
conduct fire protection and emergency services assessments, develop corrective
actions and recommendations, communicate assessment results verbally and in
writing, and develop supporting results.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Conduct a comprehensive compliance-based and performance-based fire
safety assessment.
Compose a comprehensive assessment report, including recommendations for
corrective action.
Orally communicate the results of the assessment in a public forum (meeting).
The following list represents suggested continuing education, training and other opportunities
that are available for federal fire protection engineers after completion of the competency
requirements in this technical Functional Area Qualification Standard. It is extremely important
that personnel involved with fire protection engineering maintain their proficiency through
continuing education, training, reading, or other activities such as workshops, seminars, and
conferences. The list of suggested activities was developed by the Subject Matter Experts
involved in the development of the Functional Area Qualification Standard and is not all
Based on the knowledge and experience of the Subject Matter Experts, it is suggested that
Individual Development Plans (IDP) be the basis for determining the type and quantity of fire
protection-related learning activities per year that are necessary to maintain proficiency in the
fire protection functional area after completion of the competencies in the Standard and other
requirements of the Technical Qualification Program.
It is recommended that 30 or more proficiency points be earned in any 3 year period
after certification of satisfactory completion of the prerequisite and competency
requirements for a federal fire protection engineer.
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