| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
c. Safety basis information including:
1. The safety basis for facilities to be used in the evaluated NEO including fire
protection systems, seismic analysis, lightning analysis, design basis
accidents, etc.
2. The hazards assessment for the specific NEO.
3. Identification of controls and supporting rationale with analysis and/or test
4. The controls applicability matrix, source documents for controls, and flow
down (implementing procedures) of controls.
5. Identification of all accident scenarios that result in inadvertent nuclear
detonation (IND), high explosive detonation, high explosive deflagration, or
fissile material dispersal.
6. Analysis of pathways leading to IND, including a vulnerability assessment.
7. Potential threats to NES from security operations, surveillance or other
inspection requirements, or human error.
8. Potential threats to NES from associated systems (e.g., spin rockets, parachute
deployment systems, use control features, or instrumentation for nuclear
explosive test devices).
9. Isolation of nuclear explosives from unwanted energy sources, both internal
and external to the facility, including but not limited to, electrical, thermal,
mechanical, and chemical energy sources.
d. Relevant information from existing NESSG reports including both open and
closed findings, both implemented and pending corrective actions, occurrence
reports, and safety related Significant Finding Investigations.
To the extent that these topics are adequately covered in existing documents, those
documents may be acceptable NESS input. Examples are: Documented Safety
Analyses (DSA), Safety Analysis Reports (SARs), Hazard Analysis Reports (HARs),
Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs), Basis for Interim Operations (BIOs), Weapon
Safety Specifications (WSSs), and their references. These existing documents should
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