| ![]() DOE-STD-3015-2004
Mechanical safe and arming
c. Describe the electrical sensitivity of detonators and squibs.
d. Describe the standards for human electrostatic discharge.
e. Describe the use of booster explosives.
f. Describe the use of non-electrical initiators in nuclear weapons.
11. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of squibs, propellants, and
other pyrotechnics.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Identify the hazards from each of the following features of nuclear explosive design:
Spin rockets
Parachute subsystems
Boosting device
12. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the facilities used to
assemble, disassemble, stage, test, and handle nuclear explosives, including facility
safety equipment and equipment that interfaces with nuclear explosives.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the following facilities, including unique safety features, such as blast valves, blast
doors, fire detection, deluge, grounding, and lightning protection, as applicable to the Pantex
Plant and the Device Assembly Facility (DAF):
a. Assembly/disassembly bays
b. Assembly/disassembly cells
c. Ramps
d. Special purpose facilities
Vacuum chambers
Mass properties facilities
Radiography facilities
Separation test facility
Paint bay
13. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of electrical isolation systems
and their importance to NES.
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