| DOE-STD-3015-2004
b. Discuss the change control process and why this is important to NEOs.
c. Discuss the actions required by each entity in the change control process.
d. Discuss the guidance on the NES change evaluation process.
e. Discuss the criteria for contractor approved NEO changes.
25. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of nuclear safety
requirements for the safety of NEOs at the Nevada Test Site.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the general supplemental Nevada Site Office NESRs.
b. Discuss the Nevada Site Office NESRs for electrical instruments connected to a nuclear
c. Discuss the NESRs for nuclear devices at the Nevada test site.
26. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of the specific NESRs for
NEOs conducted at the Device Assembly Facility (DAF).
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the DAF rules pertaining to high explosives.
b. Describe the DAF rule pertaining to fire sets.
c. Describe the DAF rule pertaining to NELAs.
d. Describe the DAF rules pertaining to transportation.
27. NESSG chairs and other members must have knowledge of DOE O 5480.19, Conduct
of Operations Requirements for DOE Facilities, necessary to ensure implementation.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the purpose of DOE O 5480.19, Conduct of Operations Requirements for DOE
b. Discuss the concept of graded approach and how it applies to the implementation of
conduct of operations.
c. Explain the role of lessons learned in operations, and sources for identifying lessons
learned and industry experience.
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