| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-2004
Under 29 CFR 1910.119, an hourly, salaried, or contract individual who works at a facility
and comes in direct contact with a covered process [Q36].
An occurrence involving process, equipment, or human performance either internal or
external to a system that causes system upset. In terms of accidents, an event is either a cause
or contributing cause of a near miss or accident, or a response to the accident-initiating event.
The buildings, containers, or equipment that contain a chemical process.
Flammable Gas
A gas that at ambient temperature and pressure forms a flammable mixture with air at a
concentration of 13% by volume or less, or a gas that at ambient temperature and pressure
forms a range of flammable mixtures with air wider than 12% by volume, regardless of the
lower limit.
Flammable Liquid
A liquid with a flash point below 37.8 oC (100 oF), except mixtures where such liquids
account for 1% or less of the total volume.
A chemical property, energy source, or physical condition that has the potential to cause
illness, injury, or death to personnel, or damage to property or to the environment, without
regard for the likelihood or credibility of potential accidents or the mitigation of
Highly Hazardous Chemical (HHC)
Toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive substances, such as those identified in the PSM Rule.
Hot Work
Work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, grinding, or similar flame- or spark-
producing operations capable of igniting flammable vapors or gases.
Management Systems
Arrangements for guiding and controlling the work of complex organizations.
Near Miss
An event that did not result in an accidental release of a highly hazardous chemical, but which
could have, given another "failure." Near misses, sometimes called "precursors," include:
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