| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-2004
The employer shall document that equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good
engineering practices.
For existing equipment designed and constructed in accordance with codes, standards, or practices that are
no longer in general use, the employer shall determine and document that the equipment is designed,
maintained, inspected, tested, and operating in a safe manner.
The objective of the PSI element is to collect complete and accurate process information
sufficient to conduct PrHAs, to support hazard communication requirements, and to document
the design configuration of each process [Q42].
PSI must be sufficient to allow assessment of fire, explosion, and toxic hazards; the corrosive or
erosive effects of process chemicals on equipment and instrumentation; the potential for
overpressures or runaway reactions; and the existence of incompatibilities between materials
commonly found around covered processes [Q43].
Information on process technology must describe the process chemistry, maximum inventories
process chemicals, and limits for process parameters. Information is also needed to support a
qualitative estimate of the consequences of deviations or upsets outside established process
limits. A description of process technology should include block or process flow diagrams.
Process flow diagrams may include equipment sizes and ratings, process parameters for each
mode of operation in each piping segment, limits on chemical levels in all process vessels,
pressure and flow data for pumps, and process temperature and pressure limits for all equipment.
Such diagrams may include set points for pressure relief valves and alarms, monitoring and
surveillance equipment, and batch size information. Thus, detailed process flow diagrams may
contain all required process technology information except process chemistry. However, a
simple block flow diagram is adequate if the other necessary information is captured on the
P&IDs or in a written process description. For existing processes for which the original process
technology information no longer exists, it may be developed in conjunction with the PrHA.
Process equipment information should describe all hardware used in a process and provide the
actual or reconstructed design, including all codes, standards, or other good engineering
practices that were followed. It must describe materials of construction; electrical classification;
and design of pressure relief, ventilation, monitoring and surveillance equipment, and other
safety systems. PSI should contain a functional description of the safety systems in a covered
process to convey the protective features that exist for emergencies [Q43]. P&IDs, which
generally contain more detailed information than process flow diagrams, must be provided to
show the relationship between equipment and instrumentation. Information on new processes
must also include material and energy balances. For older processes where the design basis is
unknown or the standards, codes, and practices are not in general use, documentation must be
developed to show that the equipment is still safe to use.
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