| DOE-HDBK-1101-2004
startup. Information should be documented by checklists and formal readiness review plans for
initial startups or following a safety related shut-down. This documentation, with the appropriate
approvals, must be maintained on file to indicate the equipment was constructed according to the
design specifications and was properly installed and tested. Other documents, such as training
records and procedure sign-offs, must also be available.
Minimum Implementation Criteria
A qualified team should be assembled to conduct each PSR. This team, at a minimum, should
include individuals with design and process safety expertise. The team must conduct a physical
examination of the plant, process, or equipment that is new or modified, or that has been
shutdown for safety reasons. The physical examination is to verify that the plant or process was
built according to design, and that all necessary safety features are included and functioning.
This examination must include interviews with key personnel and reviews of documentation,
such as specifications and drawings, to verify that the design criteria are met.
A system should be in place to track, address, and close out issues identified by incident
investigations, audits, PrHAs, or the PSR. A PSR tracking system can be encompassed within
existing internal self-assessment and corrective action tracking programs within DOE. The
tracking system should be used to ensure that the process is not operated with unresolved issues
that significantly degrade the safety of operations.
The level or depth of a PSR should be consistent with the level of hazard of the process or the
reason for shutdown. A written action plan must be developed for each PSR. As a minimum, all
plans must include the scope of the PSR, names of the PSR team members and their
qualifications, the PSR objectives, the action items, and the individuals responsible for the action
items. For new facilities, a PrHA is performed and recommendations are resolved or
implemented prior to startup. For existing processes, MOC items, such as training and
procedures, are addressed.
How should DOE contractors interpret the phrase when the modification is
significant enough to require a change in PSI? Must the same PSR procedure be
used for all significant changes?
Contractors should define the types of startups they expect to experience following
maintenance or construction on covered processes. They should then design appropriate
PSR approaches for each situation using a graded approach. Not all PSRs must be
completed using the same number or types of people, or using the same review method.
PSRs for major or complex new processes are expected to be greater in scope, take
longer, and involve more resources than the startup of simple processes or a restart after
relatively minor process modifications.
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