| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-2004
Table 1.1 Overview of PSM Elements
Employee Participation
Ensure that workers and their representatives are consulted
and have access to information regarding all PSM
Process Safety Information
Maintain complete and accurate information on the process
technology, process equipment, and hazardous
characteristics and physical properties of all chemicals and
intermediates for all covered processes.
Process Hazard Analysis
Identify and assess process hazards for each covered
process, and take action to manage risk.
Operating Procedures
Provide clear written instructions for safely conducting
activities at each covered process that address operating
limits, safety and health considerations, and safety systems
and their functions.
Provide initial and refresher training with a means of
verifying employee understanding for all employees
involved in operating a covered process.
Subcontractor Safety
Ensure that subcontractor operations do not compromise
the level of safety on or in the vicinity of a process using
Pre-Startup Safety Review
Perform safety reviews for new and modified facilities
prior to operation when the modification is significant
enough to require a change in the process safety
Mechanical Integrity
Ensure the integrity and safe operation of process
equipment through inspection, testing, preventive
maintenance, and quality assurance.
Nonroutine Work Authorizations
Ensure that appropriate measures are taken any time
nonroutine operations are performed on or near covered
process areas that might initiate or promote a release.
Management of Change
Establish and implement written procedures to manage
changes(except for replacements in kind) to process
chemicals, technology, equipment, and procedures, and to
facilities that affect a covered process.
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