| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-2004
Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals--Compliance Guidelines
and Enforcement Procedures, OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.45A CH-1. Washington, DC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 401 M St. S.W., Washington, DC. 20460.
To locate published material, call the main EPA library in Washington, D.C. at (202) 566-0556,
the nearest EPA regional office or see ordering information listed under entries below. In
addition, the office that issued the publication often maintains copies. Offices may be contacted
directly by calling the EPA Locator at (202) 272-0167 and asking for the appropriate telephone
EPA's Environmental Services Division. Chemical Safety Audit Report, W.R. Grace
Organic Chemicals Division, Nashua, N.H. Lexington, Mass,: Region 1, EPA, Nov. 17,
1989. Available from Region 1 office: (617) 918-1111.
EPA's Office of Toxic Substances (Prepared by Industrial Economics, Inc., Management
Technology and Data Systems, Inc., and PEI Associates, Inc.) Acute Hazardous Events
DataBase. EPA, 1985. Pb-86158946/LL. Available on CD-ROM from NTIS (703)
The following items, although issued by EPA, are available from the OSHA Docket Office; for
ordering information, see OSHA resources section, above.
EPA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and U.S. Department of Transportation.
Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis. EPA, Washington, DC. 1987.
Review of Emergency Systems, Report to Congress, Interim and Final Reports. EPA,
Washington, DC. 1986.
Guidance Manual for Chemical Safety Audit Team Members. EPA, Washington, DC.
Professional Societies and Associations
American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St. N.W., Washington, DC. 20005, (202) 682-8000.
Reports may be obtained from the publications office at (202) 682-8417.
Management of Process Hazards, API Recommended Practice 750, First Edition. API,
Washington, DC. 1990.
Chlorine Institute, 1300 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA. 22209, (703) 741-5760..
Safety Guidelines for the Manufacture of Chlorine, Edition 1, Revision 2, 1981.
Publication No. 67
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