| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 33
The assumption is that an additional 50% of
Absorption is also a hazard because an
the inhalation intake is absorbed through
individual can receive, in certain
the skin.
situations, 1/3 of their uptake from
absorption through the skin if not
properly using personal protective
Tritium gas: There is negligible skin
absorption for tritium gas.
This is an important fact for maintenance
workers to know.
Tritiated water: Tritiated water can
be absorbed through the skin. It has
been observed that moisture on hands
enhances absorption.
Solvents: Some solvents
Insert site specific information concerning
(organically bound tritium) can also go
through the skin.
Tritium will penetrate gloves, therefore gloves
must be changed at a prescribed routine basis.
D. Biological Behavior of Uptakes of Tritium
Tritiated water in the body acts just like water.
Show OT 34
Typical production reactor coolant has
Tritiated water is rapidly and uniformly
approximately 10 Ci/L of tritium. So 100
distributed throughout the entire body.
ml of such coolant has about 1 Ci of
The Committed Effective Dose
tritium. If approximately 8 ml was ingested
Equivalent (CEDE) from an uptake of one
a CEDE of 5 rem (the annual limit) would
curie of tritiated water is 63 rem. Soluble
organically bound tritium behaves in the
body in a similar manner.
Stable tritium particulate aerosols and
insoluble organically bound tritium
behave in the body in a similar manner as
the particulate to which the tritium is
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