| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 39
A. Engineered Controls
Containment and Confinement
Containment or confinement is a
series of physical barriers, minimizes
exposure of workers.
Instructor should insert site
Confinements such as glove boxes are
specific information concerning
almost always used when handling
what is considered large or small
large quantities of tritium. However,
quantities for handling tritium.
hoods are acceptable for handling
small quantities, such as in a
Show OT 40
May need to use site specific
Maintaining negative ventilation is
essential for the safe operation of a
tritium facility. Airflow should be
from areas of LEAST to MOST
Local Exhaust Ventilation
The primary advantage of local
exhaust ventilation techniques is the
removal of airborne tritium,
regardless of its release rate or
chemical or physical form. In
addition, these techniques use
relatively low volume rates compared
to normal ventilation requirements.
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