| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Tritium Facilities
Tritium Hazards and
Demonstrated knowledge and skills in radiation
Personnel, Visitors,
Safety Training
protection, above the level to be achieved by the trainees,
DOE Employees
as evidenced by previous training/education and through
job performance,
Completion of all qualification requirements for the
senior-level radiation protection technician position at the
trainees' facility or a similar facility.
Methods for verifying the appropriate level of technical competence may include the review of prior training
and education, observation, and evaluation of recent related job performance, and oral or written
examination. Other factors that may be appropriate for consideration include DOE, NRC, or other
government qualification, certification by the American Board of Health Physics and/or registration by the
National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists, vendor or facility certification, and most
importantly, job experience. To maintain technical competence, a technical instructor should continue to
perform satisfactorily on the job and participate in continuing technical training.
Instructional Capability and Qualifications
Qualifications of instructional capability should be based on demonstrated performance of the instructional
tasks for the specific course requirements and the instructor's position. Successful completion of instructor
training and education programs, as well as an evaluation of on-the-job performance, is necessary for
verification of instructional capability. Instructional capability qualification should be granted as the
successful completion of an approved professional development program for training instructors. The
program should contain theory and practice of instructional skills and techniques, adult learning, planning,
conducting, and evaluating classroom, simulator, laboratory, and on-the-job training activities.
Illustrated talks, demonstrations, discussions, role playing, case studies, coaching, and individual projects and
presentations should be used as the principal instructional methods for presenting the instructional training
program. Each instructional method should incorporate the applicable performance-based principles and
practices. Every effort should be made to apply the content to actual on-the-job experience or to simulate the
content in the classroom/laboratory. The appropriate methodology required to present the instructional
content will indicate a required level of instructional qualification and skill.
Current instructors' training, education, and job performance should be reviewed to determine their training
needs for particular courses. Based on this review, management may provide exemptions based on
demonstrated proficiency in performing technical instructor's tasks.
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