| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 42
Personal Protective Equipment
Air Supplied Suits
Because of the absorption through the
skin associated with the use of
respirators and other breathing
apparatus, air-supplied plastic suits
that completely enclose the body are
widely used by facilities that handle
large quantities of tritium.
Discuss site specific
Protective Clothing
Protective clothing (PC), or anti-
contamination clothing (anti-Cs), is
used to minimize the spread of
contamination from contaminated to
clean areas.
Insert site specific information
In many operations, the hands and
concerning selection of PCS.
forearms of workers are vulnerable to
Even with a plastic or
contact with tritium surface
water-proof PC suit, a stay time
contamination. The proper selection
may be assigned due to the
of gloves and glove materials is
ability of tritium to permeate
important. In many instances a
through plastic.
plastic/water proof suit is required.
MONITORING FOR TRITIUM - How do I know if tritium is
Show OT 43
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