| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Training Program Development/Change Requests
All requests for program changes and revisions should be sent to the DOE Technical Standards Program
using the form "Document Improvement Proposal" provided at the conclusion of the material, as provided on
the DOE Technical Standards website.
Audits (internal and external)
Internal verification of training effectiveness should be accomplished through senior instructor or supervisor
observation of practical applications and discussions of course material. All results should be documented
and maintained by the organization responsible for Radiological Control training.
The training program materials and processes is evaluated on a periodic basis by DOE-HQ. The evaluation
includes a comparison of program elements with applicable industry standards and requirements.
Evaluating Training Program Effectiveness
Verification of the effectiveness of Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities should be accomplished by
surveying a limited subset of former students in the workplace. This evaluation should include observation of
practical applications and discussion of the course material. DOE/HS has issued guidelines for evaluating the
effectiveness of radiological training through the DOE Operations Offices and DOE Field Offices. These
guidelines are available as an attachment to the Program Management Guide of DOE-HDBK-1122-99,
Radiological Control Technician Training.
For additional guidance, refer to DOE STD 1070-94, A Guide for Evaluation of Nuclear Facility Training
Programs. The guidelines contained in these documents are relevant for the establishment and
implementation of post-training evaluation programs.
Course-Specific Information
This section of the program management guide is to assist those individuals assigned responsibility for
implementing the Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities. Standardized implementation of this training
helps ensure consistent and appropriate training for all personnel.
Course Goal
Upon completion of this training, the student will have a basic understanding of the characteristics of tritium
and understand the precautions and safeguards needed for working in a tritium facility.
Target Audience
Individuals who have assigned duties in tritium facilities.
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