| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Instructor's Notes
CARBON-14 (C-14)
Carbon-14 is a low-energy beta emitter (about 10 times more
energetic than tritium). C-14 is not easily detected with a
handheld survey instrument such as a thin-window G-M (the
efficiency is ~ 10%). Monitoring is normally performed by
taking a swipe of the area and counting the swipe in a liquid
scintillation counter.
1. Maximum energy: 0.156 MeV (the average energy is
0.052 MeV).
2. Maximum range in air: 9 inches (24 cm).
3. IAEA toxicity classification: Medium-low.
4. Physical half-life: 5,730 years.
5. Effective half-life: (Teff): 12 days.
6. Critical organ: Whole body and the body fat.
7. Personnel monitoring: Bioassay - urinalysis and/or breath
measurements (CO2), NOT detected with a dosimeter
(TLD or film).
8. ALI:
2 mCi (7 x 107 Bq) -labeled organic compounds by
inhalation or ingestion.
2 Ci (7 x 1010 Bq) CO by inhalation.
200 mCi (7 x 109 Bq) CO2 by inhalation.
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