| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Instructor's Notes
CHROMIUM-51 (Cr-51)
Chromium-51 is a gamma and a X-ray emitter. Cr-51 is readily
detected with a thin-window G-M probe. Liquid scintillation
counting is also used.
1. Maximum energy: 0.32 MeV gamma ray (9.8%), a very
low energy (0.005 MeV) X-ray (22 %) and 0.004 MeV
(66.9%) auger electron.
2. IAEA toxicity classification: Medium-low.
3. Physical half-life: 27.7 days.
4. Effective biological half-life: 27 days.
5. Critical organ: Lower large intestine, and lungs.
6. Personnel monitoring: Dosimeter, internal uptakes may
be determined by urine or fecal sampling.
7. ALI:
20 mCi (7 x 108 Bq) by inhalation, yearly clearance.
20 mCi (7 x 108 Bq) by ingestion.
8. Shielding: - 3.2 mm of lead is the half value layer
(thickness of lead that will reduce the dose rate by one-
9. Special Considerations:
Use thin-end window G-M or solid scintillation detectors
or liquid scintillation counting.
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