| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Chest and abdomen.
Back, hips, and seat of pants.
Legs and cuffs.
Shoe tops.
Shoe bottoms (pause at sole and heel).
2. The whole-body survey should take approximately 3 minutes. A full whole-body
survey or frisk is not generally necessary for routine bench-top operations unless
a spill occurs or contamination is found on the hands or face. The survey should
be done before removing the lab coat and repeated on personal clothing if
contamination is found. If contamination is detected, take proper steps as
addressed below in Section E.
3. If the count rate increases during frisking (such as the audible signal), pause for
5-10 seconds over the area to provide adequate time for instrument response.
4. Carefully return the probe to holder.
5. Keep the instrument close to the work area to facilitate frequent checking of
hands and fingers.
Detection of Contamination
If contamination is indicated:
1. Remain in the immediate area.
2. Notify Radiological Control personnel.
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