| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
c. Perform a personal survey. If contamination is indicated:
Stay in the area.
Notify Radiological Control personnel.
Take action to minimize cross-contamination (e.g., put a glove on a
contaminated hand or tape over contamination on clothing too).
d. Tools or equipment being removed from a posted area must be monitored
prior to release.
e. After exiting and monitoring yourself, it is a good practice to wash your
Always have proper personnel monitoring that might include:
1. Whole body
Whole-body dosimeter such as a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) or film
2. Extremity monitoring
Finger rings, if handling high contact dose rate materials such as P-32.
Personnel Protective Clothing (Anti-C)
The degree of clothing required is dependent on the work area, radiological
conditions, and the nature of the job. The use of personnel protective clothing and
equipment is the least desired option. Use of engineering controls such as gloveboxes
or fumehoods is preferred. Standard clothing requirements for research laboratory
work include:
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