| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
2. Eye protection
Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields must be worn to
prevent eye contamination in the event of splashes or
droplet contamination. In addition, eye protection will
provide protection from moderate to high energy beta
radiation, such as betas emitted from P-32.
3. Respiratory equipment
Respiratory equipment is used to prevent the inhalation
of radioactive materials. This training course does not
qualify a worker to wear respiratory equipment.
Ventilation design should eliminate the need to use
respiratory equipment except in extreme cases.
E. Storage and Containment of Radioactive Material
methods used to control
Radioactive contamination.
Containment generally means using vessels, trays, diaper
paper, bench tops, etc. to contain contamination.
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