| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
IODINE-125 (I-125)
Iodine-125 is a gamma and X-ray emitter. I-125 contamination may be detected by a thin-window
G-M probe or with liquid scintillation counting.
1. Maximum energy: 0.035 MeV gamma (6.5%), 0.027 MeV x-ray (112.5%) and 0.031
MeV X-ray (25.4%).
2. IAEA toxicity classification: Medium-high.
3. Physical half-life: 60 days.
4. Effective half-life (Teff): 42 days.
Critical organ: Thyroid gland.
Personnel monitoring: Internal uptakes evaluated by thyroid scan.
0.06 mCi (2 x 106 Bq) by inhalation, daily clearance.
0.04 mCi (1 x 106 Bq) by ingestion.
8. Shielding: 0.25 mm of lead is the first half-value layer.
Other considerations for iodine compounds:
Volatilization of iodine (NaI) is the most significant hazard.
Simply opening a vial of sodium iodide at high-radioactive concentrations can
cause minute droplets to become airborne.
Solutions containing iodide ions should not be made acidic nor stored frozen;
both lead to formation of volatile elemental iodine.
Some iodide compounds can penetrate surgical rubber gloves - wear two pairs or
polyethylene gloves over rubber.
Can be easily absorbed through the skin.
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