| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
E. Mixed Waste
Reference: Stevens (1994)
Mixed waste is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to
dispose of at this time. Currently, DOE has a self-imposed
moratorium on the off-site shipment of RCRA/TSCA waste
suspected of having radioactivity. This moratorium was
instituted by the DOE Office of Waste Management (EM-
1. The EM-30 Performance Objective (PO) for Certification
of Non-radioactive Hazardous Wastes was developed in
1991 and is currently under revision. This PO was
developed to guide DOE sites in addressing the issue of
hazardous waste that contains added radioactivity.
2. Ways to avoid generating mixed waste:
Use non-hazardous cleaning materials for
decontamination whenever possible.
Segregate "radioactive only" from "hazardous only"
at the source.
Explore the use of other materials that are non-
hazardous for use in radiological areas to prevent the
generation of mixed waste.
Discontinue use of non-biodegradable (organic
solvent based) liquid scintillation media.
Biodegradable liquid scintillation media are
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