| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Posting of Radiological Areas
10 CFR 835.602 requires that each access point to a controlled area be appropriately
posted. Further, 835.603 requires that each access point to a radiological area be
appropriately posted.
Posting of radiological areas is typically a Radiological Control Organization
function. Workers should become aware of the posting requirements. DOE has
designated the following areas as requiring posting:
1. Radioactive Material Area
An area or structure where radioactive material, exceeding the values provided in
10 CFR 835 Appendix E, is used, handled, or stored. The posting/sign will
Additional posting is not required if the Radioactive Material Area is inside a
Contamination, High Contamination, or Airborne Radioactive Area.
2. Contamination Area
Any area where removable contamination levels are greater than the values
specified in Appendix D of 10 CFR 835, but less than or equal to 100 times those
The posting/signs will indicate:
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