| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
EO10: IDENTIFY methods
for reducing radioactive
A. Segregation
Segregate waste by waste stream category and half-life to
facilitate storage, minimization, and disposal.
Waste Stream Segregation
B. Waste Storage
includes maintaining
separation between hazardous
Each laboratory should have a designated location for storing
and radioactive wastes.
waste. Radioactive waste should be stored separately from
hazardous waste. This location should be out of the way of
normal lab activities, but easily accessible, recognizable, and
properly labeled and shielded.
Liquid waste materials should be kept in secondary
containers and segregated by hazard class. Secondary
containers may be lab trays or any device that will contain
110 percent of the largest container.
C. Sharps
Contaminated syringes, glass pipettes, and other sharp items
must be placed in a specifically designed, rigid container.
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