| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
2. Removable/transferable contamination
Removable/transferable contamination is contamination
that can be readily removed from surfaces.
It may be removed or transferred by casual contact,
wiping, brushing, or washing.
Air movement across contamination could cause the
contamination to become airborne
3. Airborne contamination
Airborne contamination is contamination suspended in air.
This creates a particular hazard because of the possibility
of intake by inhalation. Inhalation is the most common
mode of uptake of radioactive material in the working
environment. In addition to the hazard to the worker,
radioactive materials may be carried into ventilation
systems, material may be deposited on surfaces over a
large area, and there is the potential for releases outside of
the facility.
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