| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
If more than one step-off pad is used, the final
step-off pad is "clean," outside the exit point,
and adjacent to the boundary of the
Contamination Area.
b. Remove protective clothing carefully and slowly.
Loose contamination on the clothing can be
dislodged causing a possible spread of contamination
or even potential inhalation if contamination
becomes airborne.
c. Perform a personal survey. If contamination is
Stay in the area.
In some cases,
Notify Radiological Control personnel.
Radiological Control
personnel may perform the
Take action to minimize cross-contamination
survey. Tritium cannot be
(e.g., put a glove on a contaminated hand or tape
detected with standard survey
over contamination on clothing).
Reference: 10 CFR
d. Tools or equipment being removed from a posted
835.1101 requirements.
area must be monitored prior to release.
Insert facility-specific
e. After exiting and monitoring yourself, it is a good
practice to wash your hands.
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