| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Instructor's Notes
5. Physical half-life (T1/2): 12.35 years.
6. Effective half-life (Teff): 10 days (the time it takes for
of the material to be eliminated from the body by both
biological processes and radioactive decay).
7. Critical organ: Whole body (the part of the body where
the most limiting dose is delivered).
8. Personnel monitoring: Bioassay - urinanalysis, NOT
detected with a dosimeter (thermoluminescent dosimeter
(TLD) or film).
9. Annual Limit of Intake (ALI): Tritiated water: 80 mCi
Elemental tritium is not taken
(3 x 109 Bq) by inhalation or ingestion.
into the body and is assigned
an ALI based on a TEDE
10. Shielding: None (the low-energy beta is not very
resulting from lung exposure.
However, in many
environments elemental
11. Special Considerations:
tritium converts rapidly to
Cannot be measured directly with a thin window G-
tritiated water vapor.
M probe (standard survey meter).
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