| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-2002
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Glossary - Continued
Septa: An area associated with an accelerator beam line where the beam is split into two
or more beams, normally through the use of magnets. This area is prone to
radioactivation due to the interaction of the beam with structural materials.
Spectra: A visual display, a photographical record, or a plot of the distribution of the
momentum, mass, or any related quantity.
Spallation: A term used to denote a nuclear reaction induced by high-energy
bombardment and involves the ejection of two or more particles.
Superconductivity: The ability of some materials to carry an electric current with no
power loss, owing to the complete absence of electrical resistance. To date,
superconductivity has been found only in a few metals and alloys and at very low
Synchrotron: An accelerator in which the energy of charged particles is increased as they
travel around a circular orbit of fixed radius.
Useful Beam: Radiation that passes through the window, aperture, cone, or other
collimating device of the source housing. Sometimes called primary beam.
Volt: The term potential difference symbolized by V is defined as the work per unit
charge done in moving a charge from one point to the other.
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