| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
in respiratory protection requirements, he or she should not enter the
work area until the conflict is resolved and the appropriate respiratory
protection equipment is available.
Special Radiological Surveys and Techniques for Contamination
i. Alpha Monitoring
As workers at a uranium facility, you will likely perform self-
monitoring for the presence of radioactive contamination.
If you recall from the general characteristics of uranium, it primarily
decays by emitting an alpha particle. Many uranium decay products
also decay by emitting alpha particles.
Alpha particles are highly charged and will only travel about 2 inches
in air. Alpha particles are also stopped by the dead layer of skin. This
means that alpha particles external to the body are not a health
concern. It also means that alpha particles are hard to detect because
the detector must be close to the source of the material emitting the
alpha particle.
There are many detector types available for detecting alpha
contamination. Two of the most commonly used types are scintillation
detectors and gas proportional counters. A thin window Geiger-
Mueller (GM) detector, such as a pancake probe, will also detect a
small portion of the alpha radiation emitted.
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