| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities
Module 102 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
waste derived from the liquid that contains a combination of transuranic waste
and fission products in concentrations requiring permanent isolation.
HLW comes primarily from the reprocessing of spent fuel. It is typically in
liquid form, and it is collected and stored in tanks. The liquid waste is then
solidified (stabilized) for disposal. All HLW is ultimately to be disposed of by
deep burial.
Decontamination and Decommissioning of Uranium Facilities
Uranium and its byproducts from the nuclear fuel cycle may present health risks
due to radioactivity or chemical properties. Past and present DOE uranium facilities
and their surrounding areas may contain contamination from uranium or its
byproducts. DOE recognizes that they have a responsibility to restore these
potentially contaminated facilities and surrounding areas to a non-hazardous
condition. To accomplish this, several "remediation" programs are in place and
others are developing.
One cleanup program is:
Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Program This program
is intended to cleanup uranium mill sites and associated "vicinity
properties." It covers 24 mill sites and more than 4,800 properties
throughout the Nation. The goals of the program are to reduce radon
release from mill tailings to acceptable levels by burial, and to restore
affected land and facilities/structures to unrestricted use.
Each cleanup project presents different types and levels of hazards to workers.
Additionally, general safety hazards become a significant factor due to the types of
processes and equipment used to remove the uranium-contaminated materials.
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