| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
1. Indirect or In Vitro Measurement
Bodily processes will, to some degree, eliminate
uranium taken into the body. How effective the
body is at eliminating the uranium, and how
long the process takes, depends upon individual
metabolism and the chemical form of the
uranium. For example, uranium hexafluoride
contains uranium that is chemically bound to
fluorine and is more easily eliminated than
uranium metal or uranium dioxide.
Indirect measurements are made by sampling
material eliminated by the body for the presence
of uranium. It is possible to analyze both feces
and urine for the presence of uranium, but due to
the ease of collection and handling, the most
common method used is urinalysis.
2. Direct or In Vivo Measurement
Direct measurements are performed using whole
body counters or lung counters. These
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