| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 102 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
b. Laser Processes
The Atomic Vaporization Laser Isotope
Separation (AVLIS) involves vaporization,
selective ionization of one isotope, and
subsequent electrical separation. Currently, no
DOE production plants exist which use this
c. Nozzle Separation
The nozzle separation process is based on the
different speeds of 235U and 238U compounds
when they are injected through a nozzle into a
small chamber.
d. Centrifugal Separation
Centrifugal separation is based on heavier
compounds migrating to the outside when spun
at a high rate of speed. The uranium left over
from the enrichment process is mostly 238U,
with a reduced amount of 235U (usually 0.2%
by weight). This byproduct is called "depleted
uranium" and has additional uses such as
radiation shielding, armor plating, and
During World War II, uranium work was secret
and code names were used for the different
forms of uranium. Natural uranium was named
"Tuballoy," a name that grew out of a cover
story that the Allies were investigating alloys for
high-quality tubing.
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