| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 103 External Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Show OT-25
III. MODULE 103 - External Dose Control
Highlight the specific
external exposure hazards
and controls at your
Identify the radiological concerns of external
exposure to uranium.
Describe the measures taken to control external
exposure to uranium.
Alpha External Dose
Because of the relatively short range of alpha particles in
dense matter, alpha radiation poses little external dose
hazard. The most energetic alphas produced by naturally
occurring radionuclides will barely penetrate the dead
layer of skin on the human body. Little living tissue will
be affected when the alpha source is external to the skin.
Show OT-26
Beta External Dose
Beta doses to the skin, extremities, and the lens of the eye
can be limiting in facilities which process unshielded
depleted, natural, or low-enrichment uranium. Processes
which separate and sometimes concentrate beta-emitting
uranium daughters are not uncommon in DOE uranium
facilities. Control of exposure is complicated by the fact
that considerable contact work takes place in facilities
which process uranium metal.
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