| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 101 Properties of Uranium
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Hydrogen gas is generated from uranium in water, and
this may also produce a pressure buildup situation.
Because the hydrogen buildup may also be a fire hazard,
it is discussed later in this module in the Chemical
Properties section.
Radioactive Properties - Uranium in its pure metal form
is a silvery, gray metal and is the heaviest naturally
occurring element. There are 18 separate isotopes of
uranium. Isotopes are elements that have the same
number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. For
example, 235U has 92 protons with 143 neutrons and
238U has 92 protons with 146 neutrons.
Show OT-5
Uranium is radioactive. Partially because of its size, the
nucleus of a uranium atom is unstable. It reduces its size
either by alpha particle emission or by nuclear fission, in
which the uranium nucleus splits, primarily, into two
smaller fission products. Both processes release energy,
which can be helpful or harmful depending on how they
are controlled.
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