| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities
Module 105 - Criticality Safety
Safety Policies and Controls
Achieving criticality involves bringing together many factors that promote a
sustained nuclear chain reaction. To avoid criticality, one should be aware of the
conditions that would promote a criticality for the particular materials they
encounter, and avoid those conditions that promote criticality.
1. General Criticality Safety Principles
Some things done to promote criticality safety include:
analyzing work environments to assess the risk of criticality and eliminate
likely criticality concerns;
using carefully planned and approved procedures;
providing specific training for those personnel working in areas where
fissile materials are present; and
implementing system design features that are favorable to criticality safety.
These features include:
using containers with a size and geometry that will not allow criticality,
designing piping systems to prevent buildup of uranium and prevent
using materials known as poisons to absorb neutrons and prevent them
from being absorbed by the uranium atoms,
controlling material that surrounds containers or systems containing
uranium, and
controlling uranium inventories.
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