| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 104 Internal Dose Control
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Also discuss the facility
The alpha contamination detection
specific methods for
problems mentioned in monitoring
surveying such equipment.
personnel for contamination also apply to
Refer to DOE Order
monitoring material. An added problem is
5400.5 (as applicable).
that uranium contamination may be located
in areas not accessible to survey.
DOE requires that materials used in
Contamination Areas, High Contamination
Areas, and Airborne Radioactivity Areas
that are being released for unrestricted use
have accessible surfaces surveyed.
Materials with inaccessible surfaces having
a potential for internal contamination shall
not be released without evaluating the
material on a case-by-case basis to ensure
internal contamination does not exist.
DOE values for release of uranium
contaminated materials are higher than
DOE values for release of materials
contaminated with some other radioactive
nuclides found in the DOE system, such as
plutonium. The difference in these values
is due to the relative health risk from
exposure to uranium contamination
Emphasize that this
compared with these other nuclides.
alone does not qualify
Release of materials with the potential for
individuals to survey and
uranium contamination shall only be
release materials.
performed by personnel who are trained
and authorized to do so. The site
radiological control organization is
responsible for designating and training
these individuals.
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