| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2000
Change Notice No. 1
Is there a procedure that ensures that chemicals stored in a given location are compatible? Is it
adequately implemented?
What criteria are used to select appropriate standards and requirements (e.g., Work Smart Standards,
Standards/Requirements Identification Documents, or others, as applicable) to address all chemical
hazards? What are the qualifications of individuals performing standards selection?
What processes are in place to ensure adequate input by ES&H professionals in the implementation of
controls for chemical hazards?
What is the process for authorizing a chemical to be used on the site? What pollution prevention
practices are conducted at the site? Is there a list of restricted chemicals? How is chemical storage
and use policed? How are excess or waste chemicals disposed of? What processes are in place to
assure chemicals are not abandoned when work on a project ceases?
What means are employed to ensure that the identified controls are implemented, and are operable
and functioning so long as a chemical hazard is present?
Is personal protective equipment required to be used for any activity involving hazardous chemicals?
Has substitution of a less hazardous chemical been considered? Are engineering controls in place or
planned for these operations? What other controls or measures are in place for these operations?
When and how is a decision made to evaluate employee exposure to a chemical hazard? What is
management's role in assuring that chemical exposures are evaluated and properly addressed?
How does your occupational medicine group become aware of chemical usage and employee
exposure to specific chemicals? What are their roles and responsibilities once an employee's
exposure has been demonstrated?
Are changes to mission, operations, and conditions analyzed for needed changes to requirements?
How are ES&H personnel involved in this process?
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