| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2000
Change Notice No. 1
1.3 Develop and Implement Hazard Controls
Safety standards and requirements are identified and appropriate controls are
developed using the information obtained from the hazard analysis and prior to
work being performed.
The identification of standards, requirements, and work controls that are applicable
to the entire life cycle of the work help ensure that the work is accomplished safely.
This process is undertaken using the Standards/Requirements Identification
Documents (S/RIDs), WSS, or a similar process to ascertain which standards,
Authorization Bases
requirements, and work controls should be included in contracts.
Work Smart
Standards (WSS)
For hazards that have been included in the site-wide analyses, Lists A and B at
DEAR 48 CFR 970.5204-78(a) and (b) identify the applicable standards and
requirements. List A consists of the required applicable Federal, State, and local
laws and regulations (including DOE regulations), while List B contains the
identified DOE directives appended to the contract. However, as a result of facility
and activity level hazard analysis, new chemical hazards may be identified. These
newly identified hazards may evoke standards not identified earlier in this process.
Based on the identified hazards and standards set, controls are developed to ensure
safe operating conditions. The control of chemical hazards is, in general, no
different than controlling other hazards, i.e., radiological hazards. An integrated
process to identify and apply the hierarchy of controls (engineering, administrative,
and personal protective equipment), including pollution prevention/waste
minimization options, should be in place as part of the site's ISMS.
A multi-disciplinary hazard analysis team comprised of line management, health
and safety professionals, and workers can effectively tailor the controls applied to
the work at the facility and site level.
DOE-STD-3009-94 provides guidance for nuclear facilities on establishing
documented safety limits, limiting control settings, and limiting conditions for
operation, surveillance requirements, administrative controls, and design features
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