| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2000
Change Notice No. 1
The Secretary also directed each Lead Program Secretarial Officer to implement
programs to achieve fourteen Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
Leadership Goals, including waste and toxic chemical release reductions, as well as
increased recycling. Pollution prevention opportunity assessments can be
performed to identify the nature and amounts of waste, releases, and energy usage
from processes and projects within a site's operations; identify the opportunities for
pollution prevention and energy conservation; and evaluate those opportunities for
feasible implementation. High return-on-investment projects can be conducted to
reduce or eliminate the use of a toxic chemical or the generation of a waste stream.
On April 21, 2000, the President signed Executive Order 13148, "Greening the
Government through Leadership in Environmental Management." This Executive
Order calls for Federal agencies to set new goals for reductions in the release and
offsite transfer for treatment and disposal of toxic chemicals and for reductions in
the use of 15 chemicals, which will be identified in future guidance. It also requires
that agencies review the feasibility of implementing centralized procurement and
distribution systems that allow facilities to track the acquisition, management,
distribution, and disposal of materials containing hazardous or toxic substances.
Finally, within the context of chemical management, pollution prevention is often
associated with chemical substitution. However, the environmental benefits of
pollution prevention should be carefully evaluated to ensure they never override
worker safety and health considerations.
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