| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2006
use of proper PPE in the handling and use of chemicals
use of engineering and administrative controls to comply with facility safety basis
chemical inventory limits set for laboratory work areas by applicable building codes
pre-job briefings and job hazards analysis
signage and other controls for hot work operations
hazard control requirements for particularly hazardous substances (high toxicity,
carcinogens, reproductive toxins)
good general housekeeping.
Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
The contractor should reduce, to the maximum extent practicable , the purchase and use of
hazardous chemicals. The CSLM program should ensure that processes and facilities are
designed to minimize the purchase and use of hazardous or toxic chemicals to prevent worker
exposures or environmental release.
The CSLM Manager and Program Steering Committee should identify opportunities for reducing
pollution and maintaining the environmental sustainability of operations, including:
source reduction,
environmentally preferable product substitution,
reuse of unneeded chemicals, and
design and construction of processes and facilities to eliminate or minimize the purchase,
use, release of, and exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals.
The contractor should manage site operations and activities so as to minimize the generation of
all types of waste (non-hazardous, hazardous, radioactive, and mixed) while a lso continually
striving to reduce the quantity of waste requiring treatment, storage, or disposal.
Chemical Emergency Management
Emergency management includes emergency planning and preparedness and emergency
response. DOE O 151.1C, Comprehensive Emergency Management System , requires contractors
to develop and implement a comprehensive management system to minimize the consequences
of all emergencies involving or affecting Departmental facilities and activities, protect the health
and safety of all workers and the public from hazards associated with DOE/NNSA operations,
and prevent damage to the environment. This system implements the requirements established
by Congress (i.e., the general duty provisions in 40 CFR 68, Chemical Accident Prevention
Provisions) to identify the hazards that may result from an unplanned release of hazardous
materials. It also strives to prevent unplanned releases of hazardous materials, takes any steps
necessary to prevent releases, and uses all feasible means to eliminate or materially reduce the
hazard to workers and the public.
Emergency planning involves identifying hazards and threats through hazards surveys and
emergency planning hazards assessments, developing emergency plans and procedures, and
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