| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Chapter 8 - Chemical Emergency Management
This chapter identifies and consolidates existing user safety and health requirements found in DOE
and Federal chemical-related safety and health regulations and National Standards that address
emergency management for facilities with activities involving chemicals (see definition) and
chemical products (see definition). State and local codes and requirements are NOT included.
This chapter consolidates requirements found in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and certain Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) regulations and Department of Energy (DOE) Rules and Orders, including technical
standards that are made mandatory by their specific reference within a regulation, rule or DOE
Order. It specifically consolidates requirements found in OSHA's regulations 29CFR1910.38,
29CFR1910.119, 29CFR1910.120, 29CFR1910.1200, and 29CFR1910.1450, EPA's regulations at
40CFR355 and 40CFR68, NFPA 471, 472, and 1620, and DOE O 151.1A.
This chapter is intended to list chemical-related safety and health requirements and to consolidate
those that are overlapping and/or duplicative. The list of requirements includes "pointers" to the
sources of those requirements.
This document does NOT create any new or additional requirements.
The information presented here applies to all locations that use chemicals or chemical products.
[NOTE: Throughout this document, the term "chemicals" is used to indicate chemicals and/or
chemical products as described in Section 3, below.] This chapter consolidates existing, core safety
and health requirements that all sites must follow when engaged in chemical-related activities.
The requirements included in this chapter come from sources that have different safety purposes.
As a result, some of these requirements may not always be applicable to the work being performed
at an individual site or facility. It is the responsibility of each user to determine the applicability of
specific requirements to their work and how they are implemented. The reference sources for the
requirements included in this chapter can be used to determine the applicability of those
requirements to the work being performed.
3.0 Definitions and Acronyms
See Glossary.
Requirements for Chemical Emergency Management
Consolidated Requirements12
4.1 Emergency response plan - An emergency response plan shall be
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter XI,
prepared which documents the emergency management program
sec. 3 and sec. 4;
and the implementation procedures to handle anticipated
emergencies, including operational emergencies, prior to the
commencement of emergency response operations.
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