| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
therefore contains "shall" statements that are taken from, or based on "shall" statements in those
existing requirements. While requirements from national standards that are referenced here are not,
in and of themselves, mandatory, they are made mandatory by DOE and federal requirements,
including OSHA regulation 29CFR1910.6, which incorporates them by reference. DOE O 440.1A
mandates compliance with OSHA regulations found in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR). National standard requirements referenced here are thereby made mandatory for DOE
contractors through contracts that include DOE O 440.1A. Please see the Introduction to this section
of the Chemical Management Handbook for more information.]
Consolidated Requirements12
4.1 Chemical Inventory Requirements
Maintain a list of the hazardous chemicals known to be
present using an identity that is referenced on the
appropriate material safety data sheet (the list may be
compiled for the workplace as a whole or for individual
work areas).
[NOTE: Some chemical specific regulations, such as those
for Asbestos and Beryllium, may also contain their own
inventory tracking requirements.]
The owner or operator of a facility shall annually submit an
40CFR370.25(a) to (d)
inventory form (Tier 1 or equivalent State or local form)
containing information on specified hazardous chemicals
present at the facility during the preceding calendar year
above specified threshold levels to the state emergency
response commission, the local emergency planning
committee, and the fire department with jurisdiction over the
facility. For any specific hazardous chemical at the facility,
the owner or operator may submit a Tier II form
(40CFR371.41) in lieu of the Tier I information.
For laboratories chemical inventories shall be maintained
NFPA 45,
within facility limits.
While requirements from
4.2 Implied Chemical Inventory Requirements.
national standards that are
There are many mandatory standards that do not directly require an
referenced here are not, in and
inventory of hazardous chemicals, but for which use of a chemical
of themselves, mandatory, they
inventory and tracking system would be necessary for, or would
are made mandatory by DOE
facilitate compliance. A list of major standards with implied
and Federal requirements,
requirements for keeping a chemical inventory and/or for tracking
including OSHA regulation
chemicals follows. The applicability of specific DOE Orders will
29CFR1910.6, which
depend on each site's individual contract.
incorporates them by reference.
DOE O 440.1A mandates
compliance with OSHA
regulations found in Title 29 of
the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR). National standard
requirements referenced here
are thereby made mandatory for
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