| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Consolidated Requirements12 Indoor storage in one fire area of multiple groups of
NFPA 55, Chapter 6
cylinders containing flammable gas shall be performed
according to specifications in NFPA 55, Chapter 6.
4.2.8 Indoor storage in one fire area of multiple groups of cylinders
NFPA 55, Chapter 6
containing flammable gas shall be performed according to
specifications in NFPA 55, Chapter 6. Groups may be separated from each other by masonry
NFPA 55,
walls with a fire resistance rating of 2 hours instead of
by a minimum distance. Different flammable gases shall be allowed to be stored
NFPA 55,
4.2.9 Flammable gases with a collective volume between 2,501 and
CGA G-1 4.2.6;
5,000 scf, when stored indoors, shall be stored in rooms or
enclosures with a minimum 1-hour fire resistance rating.
NFPA 51, 2.3.1;
NFPA 55, Multiple groups of flammable gas cylinders in one
NFPA 55,
sprinklered fire area shall be stored a minimum of 100
ft. apart.
4.2.10 Flammable gases with a collective volume greater than 5,000
NFPA 51, 2.3.2;
scf, when stored indoors, shall be stored in a room or enclosure
NFPA 55,
with a minimum fire resistance of 2 hours. Rooms used to store compressed gases shall be
NFPA 51, 2.3.2;
sprinklered according to NFPA 13.
NFPA 55,
4.2.11 Indoor compressed gas storage areas that are used to store toxic
NFPA 55,;
or highly toxic gases indoors shall be equipped with a
NFPA 55,;
continuous monitoring system that would provide warning of
NFPA 55,
toxic gas concentrations that could present a hazard to life.
4.2.12 Outdoor storage areas of toxic gases shall be located 75 ft from
NFPA 55,;
a line of property, public ways, places of assembly.
NFPA 55,7.10.2
4.2.13 Other requirements for the storage of toxic and highly toxic
NFPA 55, 7.9
gases can be found in NFPA 55, 7.9.
4.2.14 Where toxic gases are stored, a minimum of two NIOSH
approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs) shall be
kept available at all times for use in upset conditions. They
shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use, properly
maintained and stored, inspected at least monthly, and checked
for proper function before and after each use.
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